
Showing posts from April, 2019

What I've Learned About Myself Since Becoming a Jag

It has been a crazy year since I started at South. There's been multiple highs and lows, but it has been a great experience overall. Being in college forces you to learn a lot about yourself. Since becoming a Jag, one thing I've learned is problem solving. There's been many things that have been out of my control or difficult, but I have learned to find ways to work through them. Obstacles are not ideal by any means, but it's not impossible to deal with them and move forward.

Advice I Would Give Myself a Year Ago

It has almost been a year since I graduated high school and that's really weird to think about. My first year of college has gone by faster than I expected it would. I am a complete over thinker so I spent a lot of time worrying what college would be like. If I could go back a year and give myself advice, it would be to calm down and enjoy the process more. Now that I realize how fast time flies, I know how important it is to live more in the moment. It definitely makes the whole experience more enjoyable.

Preparing for the Fall Semester for High School Seniors!

When I started at South I felt like I was kind of prepared for the experience and in some ways I was, and in other ways I wasn't. I focused a lot on physically preparing for college when mental preparation is also important. When I finally arrived at South, I was shocked at how easy certain things I had stressed over fell into place. A lot of things were much simpler than I made it out to be. With that being said, here are 5 things High School Seniors should do to prepare for the Fall! Gain some type of organizational skills - This makes the move in process much easier. Go to events (especially during the first week) even if you're skeptical about it! Make sure you remain updated on financial aid/ reimbursements Read the syllabus for your classes and mark the dates of tests/quizzes/projects. Don't Stress About Everything - Starting a new experience is overwhelming but it's much easier than it seems!

My Favorite Outdoor Space on Campus

Up until the beginning of this semester I didn't really venture out to many places on campus. Since I started going to more places on campus, the outdoor space I go to the most is the outdoor area outside the Student Center. This area is a really good place to eat, meet friends, or do work if you need to. There are also certain events that take place from time to time so that's also a positive. Even if you're not an outdoor person, I highly recommnd checking it out!