My Top 4 Places to Study on Campus

It probably seems weird to have multiple study places, but where I decide to study depends on what I'm trying to get done. It basically depends on how much I need to study and how much I want to focus on what I'm doing. With that being said, here are my top 4 places to study on campus:

1. My room: This probably isn't the best idea, but I usually study in my room if I have to study for something that I pretty much already know the information on already.

2. The study room in Azalea: The study rooms in the residence hall buildings are great for having a quiet place to study. It's also extremely convenient.

3. The student center: I don't study here as often as the other places, but it is nice to study and be around food options if you need to take a break to eat.

4. The Library: This is my favorite place to study, especially if I need to study for hours. It also helps that there's a Starbucks inside.


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